June 2013

06/20/2013 13:14:40

Late Monday afternoon we got a call from the Yahoo! team to see if Style Hatch would be up for working on a custom theme for yahoo.tumblr.com and six of their other product blogs.  The challenge was that we had roughly 48 hours to complete the project in time for today’s announcement that the deal to acquire Tumblr was final.

It was quite ambitious to turn it around in such a short time, but 118 commits, 40 issues, 4,548 additions and 2,286 deletions later we were able to turn Cadence into a unique and special theme for Yahoo.  I couldn’t have done it without Mikey Wills on our team.

One of the creative directors on the project summed it up perfectly:

It’s quite possible that there’s no other platform out there that you could possibly develop such a robust, flexible and beautiful theme for in 48 hrs.

Overall I have been incredibly impressed Yahoo! team throughout the process.  They have a talented team, and I’m certain Yahoo! is on track and heading in a fresh direction.  Best of all, I’m even more optimistic that Tumblr is going to thrive.

#yahoo #tumblr #style hatch #themes

06/09/2013 10:47:50

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Bobby McKenna’s talk at Valio Con 2013


06/07/2013 08:07:55

Inspiration is our survival from procrastination and most powerful form of energy we have as creative people. via @joshlong #vcon

Josh Long at Valio Conference 2013

#design #creativity

06/05/2013 11:14:38

Capitol Couture

The Hunger Games is back on Tumblr with their latest refresh of the Capitol Couture blog.  Hands down this is one of the most beautiful and flawlessly executed themes I have seen a brand create for Tumblr.  Brands and agencies take note, this is how it should be done.

Anyone know what agency is behind the creation of this campaign?

#design #tumblr #themes #the hunger games

06/03/2013 11:46:43



ATTN: Audiophiles!

You can now post SoundCloud sets to your blog! Just share to Tumblr from SoundCloud or paste the set URL into the “external URL field” when creating a new audio post.

To celebrate, we put together a super rad 15-song playlist featuring some of our favorite bands on Tumblr.

Follow our official music blog and track #music for all your music needs.

We just did a quick test with the new SoundCloud sets feature, and thanks to some recent improvements it should work flawlessly with all of the Style Hatch Tumblr themes! If you run into any issues let us help you out - support@stylehatch.co

#tumblr #soundcloud #themes #style hatch

06/03/2013 11:40:50

Labyrinths of Salt

"Drawing a labyrinth with salt is like following a trace of my memory," — Motoi Yamamoto

#art #salt #labyrinth #installation

06/03/2013 11:15:44


I REALLY love these animations.

Tumblr nails the details like this better than any other platform their size.

#tumblr #animation #details

06/03/2013 11:11:35


Kreuzberg, Berlin.


#photography #germany
